Triathlon Membership: USA Triathlon
Wet Suits: Xterra
Swimming Guidance: Total Immersion
Running Shoes Shaped Like A Human Foot: The future of running shoes: Altra. Honorable mention for courage: Vibram Five Fingers (Go into this with your eyes wide open. It's not what we're used to.)
Goggles: Find what fits you. I use Aqua Sphere Seal I like this model because I have long eyelashes (wisecracks not appreciated) and this model doesn't crowd my eyes. Aqua Sphere reliably makes quality stuff.
Triathlon Back Pack that I ended up choosing: Louis Ragneau Tri Pack Evolution Back Pack
Now called Tri Pack Revo, got it at BicycleBuys:
Best Prices at Online Bike Store:
Running Form Insights DVD: Evolution Running with Ken Mierke, Published by Endurance Films
Best Book On The Planet: Born To Run by Christopher McDougall
Metronome: Seiko DM50S Clip Digital Metronome, found one for under $20 on Amazon
Lap Counter & Timer: One handed lap counting with SportCount
Magazines: Triathlete Magazine, Runner's World, Bicycling Magazine
Feldenkrais: 48 Lessons by Bruce Holmes
Quality Protein cheaper on the web in bulk: Muscle Feast
Emergency Medical Tag: So what do you do when you crash on your bike and are lying there unconscious. I know it's unpleasant to think about, but it can happen. There are a couple of companies that provide medical IDs: Finish Safe and Road ID.
Two years ago I bought a Dolphin swim suit. A year later it still seemed like new. This is very strange. Swim suits don't last. Chlorine is not a friend to fabric. Suits get thin, and fade, and you can soon see right through them. After a few months they sort of fall apart. So why was the Dolphin suit lasting? I have no idea. But I was impressed. I was buying some gear from an online shop that offered free shipping if you spent a certain amount. So I bought a second Dolphin suit to get my total up, and tossed it in a drawer. When the first suit fell apart I'd be ready. It's another year on and the first suit is still like new. The second suit is still in the drawer.
Clothing: Under Armor seems to me over-rated. More expensive than it should be. North Face is outrageously expensive, but they make really nice stuff. Nike is a little bit overpriced but quality. The best bang for the buck comes from companies that lack the cachet of the cool logo, but still have quality clothing. I love Alpine Design. I've got some gear from Champion (you can get it at Target) that isn't quite as impeccably tailored as some others but works just fine at half the price I'd pay for Under Armor. There are running specialty companies whose gear you won't find at Sports Authority that are worth seeking out: Brooks, Soucony, Hind, Asics. When you're going for Tri specific gear, your local specialty stores are your best bet. They won't have flashy offers, but the stuff you buy will be with you years later.